Wednesday, 8 May 2013

The purpose

As it is extremely important to know what is the purpose of everything, I would like to answer the question: why and for what?

I have been living around and travelling through different places in the world, I have been finding various opportunities and meeting people who helped me to make it all happen. I would like to share the tips on how to get the best out of your life – of where you live, wherever it is and independently on the budget you posses. 

I come from Poland. Sometimes it made my achievements more difficult, sometimes easier. But no matter where you are from, most things are possible, they just sometimes require more time…

Changing the place of living is a difficult decision, but it can be also very refreshing and fruitful, depending on how you will lead your actions and behaviours. I would like to share my experience in this area as well. 

I want to share places worth seeing, the routes less visited, the seasons less touristy but without pouring rain, the exchange programs, that you can take part in on different stages of your life, study or career development, the alternatives to expensive trains or to one-fits-all guided tours. This is the purpose of this blog:)

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